
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Nurturing Relationships

Relationships are an essential component of human existence. The Word of God and life of our Lord Jesus Christ confirms the fact that we are made for community - we need each other. Therefore, it is imperative that we take time to nurture relationships at all levels.

Nurturing requires giving of self, time and treasure. Too many times though we are given into the selfish attitude of "what's in it for me?" If there's nothing for me, then I'm not down for a relationship. Not to say we shouldn't have expectations, we certainly must have expectations and guidelines; however, when our desire for relationships is driven by desire to fulfill our selfishness, we are wrong.

One day while meditating on healthy relationships and after hearing countless complaints of women's needs not being met, the Holy Spirit dropped the following in my spirit - the words are simply: "don't be a parasite in your marriage (or other relationships)." The definition of a parasite according to Merriam Webster:

Main Entry: par·a·site
Pronunciation: \ˈper-ə-ˌsīt, ˈpa-rə-\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French, from Latin parasitus, from Greek parasitos, from para- + sitos grain, food
Date: 1539
1 : a person who exploits the hospitality of the rich and earns welcome by flattery
2 : an organism living in, with, or on another organism in parasitism
3 : something that resembles a biological parasite in dependence on something else for existence or support without making a useful or adequate return

So, today, I ask are you a parasite or are you contributing party to healthy relationships?

Share your thoughts on this topic. . .

Monday, April 19, 2010

Illegitimate vs. Legitimate Parenting

Main Entry: il·le·git·i·mate
Function: adjective
Date: 1536

1 : not recognized as lawful offspring; specifically : born of parents not married to each other
2 : not rightly deduced or inferred
3 : departing from the regular

Society has for far too long labeled human kind born in adverse circumstances. Back in the day, children born out of wedlock were labeled 'illegitimate' (I was one of them); and children born whose father abandoned the mother or wanted nothing to do with becoming a parent were labeled 'bastards'. How unfair to the child. . . I and children like me, were considered less than those who had both parents. Many families turned their backs on their daughters, put them out and shamed them while the men walked freely without much ridicule - they were 'being a man'. I have a saying: times change but human nature does not.

The new term 'illegitimate parents' does not mean a man and woman are bad parents. When you reverse the term "illegitimate child" and "illegitimate parent" it means the parents have gotten the order of things wrong. They became parents before becoming spouses. . .God's order is marriage then children. While there are women/men/couples who intentionally have children without the covenant of marriage, I believe there are many who got caught up in "lust" and the passion of the moment whose end result was pregnancy. For those who chose to keep the child rather than abort, the private sin between two people became very public.

Children are precious in God's sight regardless of the timing of their appearance. I thank God that even when we get things out of order, because of His permissive will, we are still able to receive mercy and grace in our times of need.

Does that mean that God abandons us when we get the order wrong? No. . .especially not when we've confessed our sin and dis-order before Him and make that 180 degree turn. God requires all parents to raise their children up with reverential fear and love for Him. He says to teach His laws and precepts to our children at all times and to not forbid children to come to Him.

There are many couples who were 'pregnant' before they were married, but because they 'rushed' to the altar it was perceived as acceptable - but we all can do the math. There are many couples who got under the radar of the church because they were 'not in church' when they were in their foolishness; thus, no one knew nor could condemn. I'm in no way condoning the pre-marital sexual actions of men and women; but we must look through the loving lenses of our heavenly Father if those actions result in the birth of a living soul. Forgiveness, mercy and grace.

We all have sins and past actions that we are not proud of. Many of them are hidden from the masses. We must protect what is precious in God's sight.

What are your thoughts on this?

Meet Me In The Meadow: What It’s All About?

Meet Me In The Meadow: What It’s All About?

I hope you enjoy this devotional piece from Roy Lessin. His writing is not only scripturally sound, it is from the heart of another Encourager! Love you and be blessed by walking in The Son-shine.

What It’s All About?

It’s not about following our career path;
It’s about following His call upon our lives. Matthew 16:24
It’s not about our self-efforts to live for Him;
It’s about letting Him live His life in us. Gal. 2:20
It’s not about our attempts at self-improvement;
It’s about His transforming grace. 2 Cor. 5:17
It’s not about our self-image;
It’s about being conformed to His image. Romans 8:29
It’s not about our abilities to serve;
It’s about His power to equip us. Acts 1:8
It’s not about our human resources;
It’s about His sufficiency. 2 Corinthians 3:5
It’s not about wanting the approval of others;
It’s about having His approval. 2 Tim. 2:15